Sunday, November 1, 2009

New Encounters

Each new encounter is just that. A feeling of finding a flow in a similar but different environment. A true testament to change and how the flowers, trees, words—move on. It all moves and changes—reshapes. And as branches grow, roots bind themselves to the earth, I begin to appreciate this cycle more and more. I continue to smell the flowers, observe their every petal and color and sheen and at looking so close, I can see the tender meat of their skin.


  1. Every thing in this world keeps on changing, nothing ever destroys in full, transforms.... yes.

  2. Hello Rebb, Flowers are sure wonderful to look at, especially because they undergo a cycle of change. I look at leaves of trees and bushes too. Its amazing the number of shades of green, leaves can produce from dark to light and with tints of yellow, red, white, grey etc. that change with the season too
    This looks like a new blog. Hope you most more on it.

  3. Hi Ashok, Yes, it is amazing all the different shades of green of the trees and bushes and the textures too. The blog I currently post to is this one:

    I had some technical difficulty in the beginning so there are two blogs, but the one above is the one I post to more regularly.

  4. Yep.
    I had a new encountre
    on Oct 30, 85:
    when my beautifull, brilliant, bombastic
    girly passed-away and I was in a coma.
    Sounds morbid...
    yet, believe-it-or-not,
    I saw Seventh-Heaven...
    Im an NDE.

    Lemme xx-plane summore wisdom, doll...

    This is a prayer
    for everyone,
    as it's Catholic
    which means 'Universal';
    you say the 2-3 minute prayer at
    6pm everyday:

    "And the angel of the Lord
    declared unto Mary and she
    conceived by the Holy Spirit..."
    [Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

    "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord, be
    it done unto me according to Thy Word"
    [Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

    "And the Word was made Flesh...
    and dwelt among us"
    [Hail Mary, full of Grace...]

    "O God whose Only Begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of Eternal Life, grant we beseech Thee, that through mediatation upon this Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they offer and obtain what they promise through the same Christ our Lord. Amen"

    A plethora of opportunities
    await each of U.S. who proclaim
    that simple message.

    trustNjesus, earthling.
    God bless your indelible soul.
    Yes, Im an NDE.
    Any questions?
